330 NW 71ST ST, L.C. - HIALEAH
330 NW 71ST ST, L.C. - HIALEAH
Company Information
330 NW 71ST ST, L.C. is a Florida Limited Liability Company from HIALEAH in Florida, United States. The company is INACTIVE and it's status is "VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION". 330 NW 71ST ST, L.C. has the Florida company number L96000001102 and the FeiEin number 650704456. It was incorporated 28 years ago on 16th October 1996. The most recent major event for the company was filed on 21st March 2016.
Company Officers
Name | Role | Title | Address |
FISHER, RONALD P | officer | MGR | 419 WEST 49TH STREET #106 HIALEAH, FL 33012-3602 |
FISHER, JAMES Q | officer | MGR | 419 WEST 49TH STREET #106 HIALEAH, FL 33012-3602 |
FISHER, RICHARD J | officer | MGR | 419 WEST 49TH STREET #106 HIALEAH, FL 33012-3602 |
Company Agent
Name | Address |
Nearby Businesses
Name | Address | Incorporated | Status |
35 NW 54TH ST, LTD. | 419 WEST 49TH STREET, #106 HIALEAH, FL 33012-3602 | 10/16/1996 | INACTIVE |
1201 NW 54TH ST, LTD. | 419 WEST 49TH STREET, #106 HIALEAH FL 33012-3602 | 10/16/1996 | INACTIVE |
1536 NW 36TH ST, LTD. | 419 WEST 49TH STREET, #106 HIALEAH FL 33012-3602 | 10/16/1996 | INACTIVE |
1744 NW 36TH ST, LTD. | 419 WEST 49TH STREET, #106 HIALEAH FL 33012-3602 | 10/16/1996 | INACTIVE |
6145 NW 7TH AVE, LTD. | 419 WEST 49TH STREET, #106 HIALEAH, FL 33012-3602 | 10/16/1996 | INACTIVE |
Similar Company Names
Name | Address | Incorporated | Status |
330 NW 71ST ST, LTD. | 419 WEST 49TH STREET, #106 HIALEAH, FL 33012-3602 | 10/16/1996 | INACTIVE |
330 NW 39TH STREET LLC | 170 Steamboat Drive Marshfield MA 02050 US | 01/25/2012 | INACTIVE |
330 NW 82 TER LLC | 999 NE 125 ST NORTH MIAMI, FL 33161 | 09/07/2022 | ACTIVE |